The car cooling system is more complex than just opening up the windows and cranking up the heater. Your car’s engine is heated by the exhaust gases it produces. This causes a rise in the engine’s internal temperature, which in turn causes an increase in its output of thermal energy. A properly maintained automotive cooling system is vital to keeping your car engine running smoothly and safely, therefore.
Now, let’s think about why the importance of cooling systems service is so important. The main reason is because excess heat causes damage to your engine and can ultimately lead to a complete engine failure. While minor problems with your engine can be repaired, failure to maintain the engine cooling system on a regular basis can prove fatal. If you don’t take proper care of your engine, you may end up losing your ability to drive altogether.
The car cooling system has several components, and one of them is the radiator. The radiator surrounds the engine compartment so that the heat produced is controlled. It also acts as a drain on excess heat that would otherwise be conducted toward the outside of the engine. A thermostat regulates the operation of the radiator. Without a thermostat, the radiator will operate to maintain the appropriate temperature without reference to the thermostat.
When your car cooling system begins to run irregular, or if it fails to start at all, there could be a couple of reasons for this. One of these is a so-called ‘regenerative failure’. This means that your radiator coolant has leaked from the radiator, or a regulator within the radiator has malfunctioned. In this case, the cooling fan must be restarted in order to bring the radiator back into line. This is often achieved with the help of anti-freeze. The other reason could be a leak from one of the lines leading to the compressor.
If the radiator coolants are not flowing properly or the coolant level is low, then the refrigerant level may need to be adjusted. In this case, the radiator tubes must be opened to allow the coolant to be replaced with the right amount of coolant for the engine. Also, the belts must be checked. If one of the belts is damaged or broken, then both belts must be replaced. Again, the radiator tubes must be opened to allow fluid to be replaced with the right amount of fluid, depending on the belt condition.
Evaporative Cooling
The other component of your cooling systems is the evaporative cooling systems. These coolant hoses and evaporative cooling systems allow the fluid to escape through a semi-permeable membrane, such as a film, which has an evaporator around it. This film helps to regulate the temperature of the refrigerant gas by capturing most of the heat and converting it into water vapor. This evaporation is needed to prevent overheating. If this film is broken, then there may be a problem with the fluid flow and/or the refrigerant level.
There is also a device called the computer control module, that controls the temperature and the operation of the cooling system. If there is a malfunction of the thermostat, then the module will compensate by adjusting the speed of the engine accordingly. It is the thermostat that “tells” the module how hot it is and tells it how low of a temperature it should be. If the temperature is reached, then the module will automatically shut off the engine to protect the battery.